segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2010

Fwd: VDPDT_Boletim de Oportunidades de Fomento

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De: Coordenação de Pesquisa - CPqGM <>
Data: 27 de dezembro de 2010 10h33min11s BRST
Para: Pesquisadores <>
Assunto: VDPDT_Boletim de Oportunidades de Fomento

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz

Vice-diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico


Oportunidades Vigentes


Chamada Pública MCT/Finep/CT-Infra Proinfra nº 02/2010 - Seleção Pública de Propostas para Apoio a Projetos Institucionais de Implantação de Infraestrutura de Pesquisa

O objetivo da Chamada Pública Proinfra nº 02/2010 é selecionar propostas para apoio financeiro à execução de projetos institucionais de implantação, modernização e recuperação de infraestrutura física de pesquisa nas instituições públicas de ensino superior e/ou de pesquisa.

Data Limite: 24 de março de 2011 (até às 18h, horário de Brasília).  Data final para o envio da cópia impressa: 25 de março de 2011.

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Edital CGCI nº 71/2010 - Programa Capes PPCP-Mercosul: Projetos Conjuntos de Pesquisa (Processo Seletivo 2010/2011)

O Edital CGCI nº 71/2010 tem por finalidade a seleção de projetos de pesquisa, nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, bem como o fomento ao intercâmbio de doutorandos e o aperfeiçoamento de docentes e pesquisadores, na mesma intensidade.Será priorizada a consolidação de redes e vínculos pré-existentes entre grupos de pesquisa regionais. As atividades realizadas nos projetos serão custeadas por meio do financiamento de bolsas de estudo, auxílio-instalação, diárias, seguro saúde, transporte aéreo.

Data Limite: 31 de março 2011, até as 23h59min, horário de Brasília.
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Edital DRI/CGBE nº 12/2009 - Programa de Apoio à Participação em Eventos no Exterior (Paex) - Processos Seletivos em 2010

Capes financia a apresentação de trabalhos científicos de professores e pesquisadores, em eventos no exterior, com vistas a incrementar a visibilidade internacional da produção científica, tecnológica e cultural geradas no país. O apoio consiste em auxílio-deslocamento, que se destina às despesas com passagem para a participação em evento científico no exterior, indicado na inscrição e aprovado pela Capes. O apoio da Capes obedece interstício de dois anos entre financiamentos dessa natureza.

Data Limite: O candidato deve inscrever-se e enviar toda a documentação complementar, exclusivamente via internet, até as 20h do último dia para inscrição, horário de Brasília. As normas do Edital DRI/CGBE nº 12/2009 serão aplicáveis aos processos seletivos do exercício de 2010.



Período do evento


1º a 31 de dezembro

1º a 30 de abril

28 de fevereiro

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Edital CAPES nº 4/2010/DPB/CAPES - Seleção Pública de Propostas de Projetos de Eventos Voltados ao Programa de Apoio a Eventos no País (PAEP)


Programa de Apoio a Eventos no País (PAEP) fomenta a realização de eventos científicos, tecnológicos e culturais de curta duração, de abrangência local, estadual, regional, nacional e/ou internacional, promovidos por associações ou sociedades científicas, associações de programas de pós-graduação e de pesquisa, programas de pós-graduação e programas de graduação em licenciaturas, secretarias de educação municipais e estaduais e associação de professores com vistas a formação de professores para a educação básica.

Data Limite:

Período do evento



1º a 30 de abril

1º a 31 de dezembro

Última semana de fevereiro

1º a 30 de maio

1º a 31 de janeiro

Última semana de março

1º a 30 de junho

1º a 27 de fevereiro        

Última semana de abril

1º a 31 de julho

1º a 31 de março

Última semana de maio

1º a 29 de agosto

1º a 30 de abril

Última semana de junho

1º a 30 de setembro

1º a 29 de maio

Última semana de julho

1º a 31 de outubro

1º a 30 de junho

Última semana de agosto

1º a 28 de novembro

1º a 31 de julho

Última semana de setembro        

1º a 31 de dezembro    

1º a 31 de agosto

Última semana de outubro

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Evolution of Infectious Diseases (R01)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research. Helping to lead the way toward important medical discoveries that improve people's health and save lives, NIH scientists investigate ways to prevent disease as well as the causes, treatments, and even cures for common and rare diseases. Composed of 27 Institutes and Centers, ICs, the NIH provides leadership and financial support to researchers in every state and throughout the world.

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits Research Project Grant (R01) grant mechanism from institutions/organizations that propose to study the evolutionary principles that underlie the emergence, spread, and containment of infectious disease. An explicit goal of the FOA is to stimulate interdisciplinary research between (a) quantitative and computational sciences and (b) experimental, clinical, or field studies. Areas of particular interest include the evolution of pathogens, evolutionary dynamics of host-pathogen systems, and the consequences of intervention strategies. The focus of this program is limited to discovery of fundamental biological principles rather than to detailed knowledge or treatment of specific diseases. Research applications submitted in response to this announcement may propose to study:


1.         Human or non-human pathogens;

2.         In vivo or in vitro systems;

3.         Microbial, animal, or plant models;

4.         Simulated or computational models.


Data Limite: New Applications Submission Date(s): Feb 5, Jun 5, and Oct 5. AIDS and AIDS-Related Applications: Jan 7, May 7, and Sept 7.Expiration Date: January 8, 2011.

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ASM/CCID Program in Infectious Disease and Public Health Microbiology - Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world. The members represent 26 disciplines of microbiological specialization plus a division for microbiology educators.

The program is sponsored by the ASM and the
Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases (CCID), formerly known as the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID). The goal of ASM/CCID Fellowship is to support the development of new approaches, methodologies and knowledge in infectious disease prevention and control in areas within the public health mission of the CDC. The fellowship allows one to perform research in residence at the CCID which is headquartered at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA. Eligible fields of study include:


1.         Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases;

2.         Viral and Rickettsial Infections;

3.         Nosocomial Infections;

4.         HIV/AIDS;

5.         Vector-borne Infectious Diseases;

6.         Parasitic Diseases.


Data Limite: January 15th, 2011.

Home Page:



Baxter BioScience Grants: Clinical and Non-Clinical Research Grant

Discoveries, the Baxter Extramural Grant Program (EGP), awards grants for innovation, exploration and application of research to advance the knowledge of renal insufficiency and its treatment.The Baxter BioScience Grants program offers three distinctive grant application types:

1.       Clinical Research Grant: Grants that involve the use of therapeutics or medical devices in human study subjects;

2.       Non-Clinical Research Grant: Grants that involve non-human subjects (e.g., animal studies, bench-work);

3.        Education Grant.

This program is open to US and non-US applicants. Baxter International Foundationis currently interested in supporting research in the following areas:

1. Immunology;
2. Neurology;
3. Hematology;
4. BioSurgery;
5. Pulmonology; and
6. Cellular Therapy/Regenerative Medicine.

Data Limite: Grant requests submitted to Baxter BioScience are reviewed on a Quarterly basis. An activity must not be scheduled within 10 weeks of the quarterly submission deadline date. The next submission deadline is December 30, 2010 and the respective Review Meeting date is February 2011.
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Clark P. Read Mentor Award

The American Society of Parasitologists (ASP) is a diverse group of over 1,500 scientists from industry, government, and academia who are interested in the study and teaching of Parasitology. Founded in 1924, ASP members have contributed not only to the development of parasitology as a discipline, but also to primary research in systematics, medicine, molecular biology, immunology, physiology, ecology, biochemistry, behavior, and more.

The Clark P. Read Mentor Award is awarded to honor an individual who, during his or her career, has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in the training of young scientists who have successfully pursued the independent study of parasites or aspects of the host-parasite relationship. Further, the individual shall have influenced the research and/or graduate education of a department, college or institution to significantly increase the number of students completing graduate level training in the various disciplines of parasitology.

Data Limite: January 1, 2011.
Home Page:



Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award

The American Society of Parasitologists (ASP) is a diverse group of over 1,500 scientists from industry, government, and academia who are interested in the study and teaching of Parasitology. Founded in 1924, ASP members have contributed not only to the development of parasitology as a discipline, but also to primary research in systematics, medicine, molecular biology, immunology, physiology, ecology, biochemistry, behavior, and more.

The Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award is given to a new investigator who has, within the last two years, been awarded a Masters or Doctoral degree in the area of Parasitology.

Data Limite: January 1, 2011.
Home Page:



Eminent Parasitologist Lecture

The American Society of Parasitologists (ASP) is a diverse group of over 1,500 scientists from industry, government, and academia who are interested in the study and teaching of Parasitology. Founded in 1924, ASP members have contributed not only to the development of parasitology as a discipline, but also to primary research in systematics, medicine, molecular biology, immunology, physiology, ecology, biochemistry, behavior, and more.The Eminent Parasitologist Lectureship honors someone of eminence and international visibility for a substantial contribution to parasitology over a substantial period of time.

Data Limite: January 1, 2011.
Home Page:



Institute for Protein Research's International Collaborative Research

The Institute for Protein Research (IPR) was thus founded formally on 1958 as a part of Osaka University. Since then, IPR has developed significantly in terms of its scientific activity and infrastructures. Now, the IPR comprises four divisions with twelve laboratories and an attached research center with six laboratories, serving as a joint-use facility for the scientists working in the fields of protein and related sciences.

The Institute invites applications for international collaborative research. The research should be conducted in the form of a collaboration including at least one of the Principal Investigators (PIs) at IPR, or it should use particular experimental facilities of IPR, including solution- and solid-state-NMR spectrometers with ultra-high magnetic fields, and a synchrotron beam line for biological macromolecular assemblies at SPring-8.

Data Limite: The deadline for submission for the 2011 fiscal year is January 7th, 2011.

Home Page:



AAI Junior Faculty Travel Award

The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) holds an annual meeting, and periodically hosts the International Congress of Immunology. Each year, the annual meeting draws thousands of attendees and hundreds of exhibitors. The AAI is proud to showcase presentations such as the President's Address, the President's Symposium, and the Distinguished Lecture Series. The annual meetings also features Major Symposia, Special Symposia, block symposia, and guest society presentations. These meetings are supported through grants, registration and exhibit fees, corporate donations, and membership dues.

This grant is intended to assist young investigators with travel to the
AAI Annual Meeting. Grantees will be selected on the basis of career progress and the submission of a first-author abstract to the Annual Meeting.

Data Limite: Complete application packages must be received by 12 Midnight E.S.T. on January 14, 2011.
Home Page:



AAI Minority Scientist Travel Award

The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) holds an annual meeting, and periodically hosts the International Congress of Immunology. Each year, the annual meeting draws thousands of attendees and hundreds of exhibitors. The AAI is proud to showcase presentations such as the President's Address, the President's Symposium, and the Distinguished Lecture Series. The annual meetings also features Major Symposia, Special Symposia, block symposia, and guest society presentations. These meetings are supported through grants, registration and exhibit fees, corporate donations, and membership dues.

Supported through the FASEB
Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) program and a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), NIH, this award provides travel support to eligible AAI members to attend the AAI Annual Meeting. Two types of awards are available, providing support for registration and meeting-related travel expenses.


Data Limite: Complete application packages must be received by 12 Midnight E.S.T. on January 14, 2011.

 Home Page:



AAI Trainee Abstract Award

The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) holds an annual meeting, and periodically hosts the International Congress of Immunology. Each year, the annual meeting draws thousands of attendees and hundreds of exhibitors. The AAI is proud to showcase presentations such as the President's Address, the President's Symposium, and the Distinguished Lecture Series. The annual meetings also features Major Symposia, Special Symposia, block symposia, and guest society presentations. These meetings are supported through grants, registration and exhibit fees, corporate donations, and membership dues.

Established in conjunction with the 2008 AAI Annual Meeting, this award provides a cash prize to AAI Trainee Members (students and postdoctoral fellows) whose first-author abstract submitted to the AAI Annual Meeting is selected for oral presentation in an AAI Block Symposium.

Data Limite Home Page January 14, 2011.

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Fomento e Infraestrutura em P&D

Coordenação de Pesquisas -Vice-Diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico

Fiocruz Bahia

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