domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Dia Internacional da Mulher: Mulheres na Ciência

Em comemoração ao centenário da declaração do Dia Internacional da Mulher este blog indicará alguns sites que tratam da situação e perspectivas das mulheres na ciência.
Relembramos que Aldina escreveu sobre as mulheres e o prêmio Nobel quando da concessão em 2009. O aniversário de 100 anos da Nobelista Rita Levi-Montalcini, foi lembrado em abril de 2009. Em maio do ano passado, alertamos sobre a publicação do relatório da comissão européia sobre a situação das mulheres em ciência na Europa (veja).  Há poucos dias, reproduzimos a notícia da Academia Brasileira de Ciências sobre o prêmio L’Oreal para mulheres na ciência.
Veja vários outros sites sobre mulheres na ciência:
The San Diego Supercomputer Center presents
The women scientists profiled here span several centuries and several nationalities. Despite many barriers, women all over the world have participated in unraveling the secrets of nature since the dawn of civilization. As historian of science Naomi Oreskes said recently, "The question is not why there haven't been more women in science; the question is rather why we have not heard more about them." Most of the women whose stories are told here, in fact, were active in recent times, when the sciences had already become professionalized endeavors.”
Veja o site.
The Association for Women in Science is dedicated to achieving equality and full participation for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Still too Few Women in Science in Europe
Brussels, 25 November 2009
"Women represent only 30% of European researchers and only 18% of full professors, according to the latest edition of the "She Figures", a survey on Statistics and Indicators on Gender Equality in Science published today by the European Commission . Even if the number of female researchers is growing faster than that of men (+6.3% annually compared to +3.7% from 2002 to 2006) - and despite an increase in the proportion of female PhDs of +6.8% over the same period, the under-representation of women in scientific disciplines and careers remains a serious challenge in Europe. The publication of the "She Figures 2009" coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Helsinki Group on Women in Science, through which the EU Member States and the European Commission worked together to address gender inequalities in science."
Do blog Cognitive Science: Why aren't there more women in science and math?  Parte 1 e Parte 2.
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