terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010

Conferência: Current Opinion in Cellular Host-Pathogen Interactions

Lucas Nogueira me enviou um informe sobre a "Current Opinion in Cellular Host-Pathogen Interactions" é o primeiro título de uma nova série de conferencias a ser realizada pelas revistas da Current Opinion. A conferência será de 5 a 7 de setembro em Amsterdam.
Prazo para envio de resumos: 16 de abril de 2010.
"The first Current Opinion Conference is dedicated to host-pathogen interactions. The conference will cover all areas of molecular and clinical research within this topic including pathogen invasion, adaptation, host defense, pathogen life cycle and immune system response."
Entre os palestrantes confirmados:

Norma Andrews,
University of Maryland, USA
Alan Cowman,
University of Melbourne, Australia
Markus Engstler,
University of Dortmund, Germany
Jorge Galan
Yale University, USA
Sergio Grinstein
University of Toronto, Canada
Ari Helenius
ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Paul Lehner
University of Cambridge, UK
Mark Marsh
LMCB, University College London, UK
Keith Matthews
University of Edinburgh, UK
David Roos
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Craig Roy
Yale University, USA
David Russell
Cornell University, USA

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