quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013

Oportunidades de Fomento

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
 Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz
 Vice-diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Oportunidades Vigentes

Edital 030/2013 – Programa de Pesquisa para o SUS: Gestão Compartilhada em Saúde – PPSUS/BA – FAPESB/SESAB

A FAPESB, em parceria com o Ministério da Saúde (MS), o Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e a Secretaria de Saúde do Estado da Bahia (SESAB), lança o Edital 030/2013 e convida os pesquisadores a apresentarem projetos de pesquisa, no âmbito do Programa Pesquisa para o SUS: Gestão Compartilhada em Saúde (PPSUS), nos termos estabelecidos no referido instrumento e em consonância com os dispositivos da Lei Federal No8.666/93, da Lei Estadual No 9.433/05, do Decreto Estadual No 9.266/04, dos demais dispositivos legais e regulamentares vigentes e em conformidade com as orientações registradas no Manual do Pesquisador Outorgado da FAPESBOs projetos apresentados deverão ser oriundos da área de saúde e em conformidade com os eixos a seguir relacionados:
A•  Intersetorialidade e acesso a bens e serviços essenciais à saúde.
B•  Acessibilidade a todos os níveis de atenção, com integralidade, universalidade, equidade e resolutividade.
C•  Gestão do sistema de saúde com garantia do controle social, modernização e política de gestão do trabalho e educação permanente em saúde.
Data Limite: 25/02/2014
Home Page: As propostas deverão ser preenchidas sob a forma de projetos de pesquisa por meio eletrônico por intermédio do Formulário de Propostas online, disponível na página do Ministério da Saúde, no endereço: http://www.saude.gov.br/sisct

International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (IMPRS-LS)
The main goal of the research school is to provide interdisciplinary training in molecular and cellular life sciences to doctoral students in an environment of scientific excellence. During the course of their studies, students are exposed to a broad field of scientific questions and methods covering the areas of biochemistry, cell biology, molecular medicine, neurobiology and structural biology. This general interdisciplinary training is combined with a substantial degree of specialization taking place in the direct supervisor’s laboratory thereby providing both a broad and an in depth training to doctoral students. Scientific training is complemented by a variety of training opportunities including lecture series, seminars, elective courses and participation in international conferences. In addition, a comprehensive training program in transferable skills prepares the doctoral students for the challenges of a professional career in academia, industry or elsewhere.
Data Limite: January 10, 2014 (24:00 Central European Time). Home Page: http://www.imprs-ls.de/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1

ISID Scientific Exchange Fellowship Program
The ISID Scientific Exchange Fellowship Program was established in 1992 to promote collaboration among researchers in different countries by enabling infectious disease researchers in the formative stage of their career to extend their research experience in institutions outside of their region. These awards are not restricted to physicians and are intended to support young scientists from developing countries in updating their knowledge of new, relevant laboratory techniques or in learning specific skills and techniques. Proposals that enhance the transfer of technologies to geographical areas where they are particularly needed will be favored.
Data Limite: The annual deadline is March 1st, and applicants will be notified after June 1st. Home Page: http://www.isid.org/grants/grants_fellowships.shtml

Alltech Young Scientist Award
The Alltech Young Scientist Award program was created by Alltech, further emphasizing the company's commitment to science and education. Alltech has created the competition in conjunction with animal, food and plant science departments at various universities throughout the world in order to promote research and talent development. The Alltech Young Scientist Award brings together the world’s brightest scientific thinkers from colleges and universities across the globe. The program gives students the opportunity to be rewarded for their scientific discoveries and research and to compete internationally at the highest level. Check Previous Winnersrecipients and note that one Brasilians citizens have been awarded in 2013.
Data Limite: Deadline for registering/submitting papers: December 31, 2013. Home Page: http://www.alltech.com/education/alltech-young-scientist/ays-regulations

Takemi Program in International Health Fellowships
The overarching mission of the Harvard School of Public Health is to advance the public’s health through learning, discovery, and communication. The field of public health is inherently multi-disciplinary. So, too, are the interests and expertise of the School’s faculty and students, which extend across the biological, quantitative, and social sciences.The Takemi Program in International Health at the Harvard School of Public Health is an interdisciplinary research program that focuses on the problems of mobilizing, allocating, and maintaining limited resources to improve health. To address these issues, the program brings together at Harvard a small group of Takemi Fellows, mid-career professionals from around the world, with particular emphasis on fellows from developing countries.
Data Limite: March 1, 2014.

Advancing the Impact of Effective HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Interventions (R01, R03, R21)
This FOA is informed by priority areas from the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Plan for HIV/AIDS Related Research, as well as the NIMH Strategic Plan (Objective 4): To strengthen the public health impact of NIMH-supported research. That is, through research, evaluation, and collaboration, to develop the capacity of NIMH to help close the gap between the development of new, research-tested interventions and their widespread use by those most in need.The two overarching goals of this FOA are to encourage projects that will improve the uptake of efficacious interventions and conduct research to inform and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions, in order to maximize community impact.
Data Limite: Application Due Date(s) R01: February 5, June 5, October 5, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. Application Due Date(s) R03, R21: February 16, June 16, October 16, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. Expiration Date: May 8, 2014. Home Page:

Health Services and Economic Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Abuse (R01, R21, R03)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications on health services and economic research to improve the quality of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. Such research projects might emphasize any of the following subjects:
1.       Clinical quality improvement;
2.       Organization and delivery of services;
3.       Implementation research;
4.       Economic and cost studies;
5.       Development or improvement of research methodology, analytic approaches, and measurement instrumentation used in the study of drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention, treatment, and recovery services. 
Access the FOA here: 
R01: PA-12-127R21: PA-12-128 and R01: PA-12-129.
Data Limite: R01: February 5, June 5 and October 5. R03 and R21: February 16, June 16 and October 16. Expiration Date: May 8, 2015. Home Page: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-127.html

Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories (VF)
The Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories (VF) Program provides promising emerging scientists and engineers with the opportunity to work with research groups or leaders in Canadian government laboratories and research institutions. Fellowships are awarded for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second and third year, at the discretion of the government department concerned. Fellowships are tenable in the following departments and agencies (some changes may occur in this list):
4.       Canadian Space Agency;
5.       Environment Canada;
6.       Fisheries and Oceans;
7.       Health Canada;
8.       Industry Canada;
9.       National Defence;
11.   Parks Canada.
Data Limite: There are no deadlines for application to this program; applications are processed and reviewed as they are received. Home Page: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PD-NP/Laboratories-Laboratoires/index_eng.asp

UICC International Cancer Technology Transfer (ICRETT) Fellowships
As the world's largest independent, non-profit, nongovernmental association of cancer-fighting organisations, International Union Against Cancer (UICC) is a catalyst for responsible dialogue and collective action. UICC brings together a wide range of organisations, including voluntary cancer societies, research and treatment centres, public health authorities, patient support networks and advocacy groups. The objectives of the International Cancer Technology Transfer (ICRETT) Fellowships are threefold:
1.       To facilitate rapid international transfer of cancer research and clinical technology;
2.       To exchange knowledge and enhance skills in:
a) basic, clinical, behavioural and epidemiological areas of cancer research; and 
b) cancer control and prevention;
3.       To acquire appropriate clinical management, diagnostic and therapeutic expertise for effective application and use in the home organization upon return.
Since its inception in 1976, the ICRETT fellowships have contributed to the development of the professional capacity of over 2500 fellows from over 110 countries by facilitating appropriate person-to-person training in specific areas that are relevant to the cancer research, clinical management and other cancer control activities being conducted in the Fellows’ home countries.
Data Limite: Applications may be submitted at any time, and funding decisions are generally communicated to candidates within 60 days of registration. Home Page: http://www.uicc.org/node/12010

Chen New Investigator Award
HUGO is an international organisation which provides excellent networking opportunities for members and non members from the academia as well as industry to exchange ideas, knowledge as well as explore collaboration in the area of human genomic and genetics research with focus in genomic medicine and social policy on a global scale. This organization has members in 23 countries. The mission of HUGO:
1.   to investigate the nature, structure, function and interaction of the genes, genomic elements and genomes of humans and relevant pathogenic and model organisms;
2.   to characterise the nature, distribution and evolution of genetic variation in humans and other relevant organisms;
3.   to study the relationship between genetic variation and the environment in the origins and characteristics of human populations and the causes, diagnoses, treatments and prevention of disease.

HUGO offered the award, The Chen New Investigator Award. This award is giving out in recognition of two young scientists, one within the Asia-Pacific region and one globally.
Data Limite: July - December: Open for Nomination. Home Page: http://www.hugo-international.org/chen_awardrecipients.php

AAI Laboratory Travel Grants
The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) holds an annual meeting, and periodically hosts the International Congress of Immunology. Each year, the annual meeting draws thousands of attendees and hundreds of exhibitors. The AAI is proud to showcase presentations such as the President’s Address, the President’s Symposium, and the Distinguished Lecture Series. The annual meetings also features Major Symposia, Special Symposia, block symposia, and guest society presentations. These meetings are supported through grants, registration and exhibit fees, corporate donations, and membership dues. AAI is supporting AAI Laboratory Travel Grants to mid-career investigators to assist them in attending the AAI Annual Meeting 2014. Applications will be considered in the order of submission. The number of awards will be limited based on available funding.
Data Limite: January 9, 2014. Home Page: http://www.aai.org/Awards/Travel/index.html
Fomento e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
Coordenação de Pesquisas
Vice-diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Fiocruz Bahia

segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

Interpretações científicas do Natal

Você já tentou analisar cientificamente a história do Natal? Veja abaixo um texto sobre a imaculada concepção.

"Maria, então, disse a José o que tinha acontecido e que ela agora estava grávida. Cientificamente, existem três possíveis explicações para isto:
  1. A coisa com o anjo e o Espírito Santo aconteceu realmente;
  2. Maria era realmente alguma forma de mulher-planta até então desconhecida ou uma mulher-dragão de Komodo híbrido, capaz de sofrer auto-fecundação;
  3. Maria não era virgem e tinha ficado grávida depois de dormir com alguém que não era seu parceiro José, e veio com essa história fantástica de explicar isso para José, em vez de admitir que ela tinha sido infiel, e José acreditou nela.

Na verdade, qualquer uma dessas opções poderia ser considerada um milagre, pelo que a história ainda está intacta.”

Se quiser ver outras análises parecidas, veja o interessante texto "The Nativity (scientifically accurate version)” de Dean Burnett no Guardian (aqui).

Há algum tempo, apresentamos no Totum um texto sobre Cálculos científicos para a viagem de Papai Noel (aqui) e há também um texto muito interessante de Luiz Claudio Correia no Medicina Baseada em Evidências: Papai Noel Baseado em Evidências (aqui).

Imagem acima do post vista aqui.

domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

The Science of Malaria Eradication.

Early bird registration deadline 03 December 2013, for "The Science of Malaria Eradication"

There are only 9 days left to take advantage of the early bird registration rates for The Science of Malaria Eradication, 2 - 7 February 2014 in Merida, Mexico!

You can still register for the meetingsubmit an abstract, and reserve your room at the hotel Fiesta Americana, Merida.

We look forward to seeing you there!

MESA Secretariat

03 December 2013: Early bird registration and abstract submission deadline

terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013

Oportunidades de fomento

Edital Fapesb/Secti nº 26/2011 - Programa de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos em Apoio à Pesquisa e à Inovação no Parque Tecnológico da Bahia (Bolsas ProPARQ)
O Edital Fapesb/Secti nº 26/2011 refere-se ao Programa de Apoio aos Projetos de Empresas e de Instituições Científicas e Tecnológicas, públicas e privadas, na forma de concessão de bolsas. Esse Edital tem por objetivo a atração e fixação de recursos humanos qualificados e com experiência profissional em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (P, D & I) para a execução de Projetos no Parque Tecnológico da Bahia. As bolsas solicitadas devem ser vinculadas a projetos de pesquisa e inovação tecnológica nas áreas prioritárias do Parque Tecnológico da Bahia, a saber:
Biotecnologia e Saúde;
Energia e Engenharias;
Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação.

Data Limite: O encaminhamento e a inscrição das propostas, observados tanto a disponibilidade orçamentária e financeira quanto as previsões de número de bolsas e seu ano de implantação, ocorrerão a qualquer momento, sem prazos pré-fixados, considerando, entretanto, limites temporais. Os períodos para recepção das propostas de solicitação de bolsas, são os seguintes: Das 18h do dia 14 de janeiro de 2013 até as 17h30min do dia 29 de novembro de 2013; Das 18h do dia 13 de janeiro de 2014 até as 17h30min do dia 29 de agosto de 2014.

Pós-Doutorado no Exterior para o National Institute of Health (NIH) - Biociências e Ciências da Saúde
A Chamada de fluxo contínuo Pós-Doutorado para o NIH tem como objetivo selecionar pós-doutorandos para realização de pesquisas em Institutos ou Centros do National Institute of Health (NIH), nas áreas de Biociências e Ciências da Saúde no Programa Intramuros do NIH.
Data Limite:
Cronograma 1: até 20 de dezembro de 2013;
Cronograma 2: até 22 de abril de 2014;
Cronograma 3: até 22 de agosto de 2014.
Home Page: http://www.cienciasemfronteiras.gov.br/web/csf/estados-unidos4

Bolsa CNPq de Estágio Sênior no Exterior (ESN)
O Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) objetiva com a bolsa de Estágio Sênior no exterior (ESN) propiciar ao pesquisador o desenvolvimento de projeto de pesquisa ou parte dele em instituição estrangeira de competência internacionalmente reconhecida.
Data Limite
Cronograma 1: até 20 de dezembro de 2013;
Cronograma 2: até 22 de abril de 2014;
Cronograma 3: até 22 de agosto de 2014.
Home Page: http://www.cnpq.br/view/-/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_0oED/10157/24183

Bolsa CNPq Pós-Doutorado no Exterior (PDE)
O Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) objetiva com a bolsa Pós-Doutorado no Exterior (PDE) possibilitar ao pesquisador a capacitação e atualização de seus conhecimentos por meio de estágio e desenvolvimento de projeto com conteúdo científico ou tecnológico inovador, em instituição no exterior.
Data Limite:
Cronograma 1: até 20 de dezembro de 2013;
Cronograma 2: até 22 de abril de 2014;
Cronograma 3: até 22 de agosto de 2014.
Home Page: http://www.cnpq.br/web/guest/bolsas-no-exterior1

Bolsa CNPq de Doutorado Pleno no Exterior (GDE)
O Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) objetiva com a bolsa de Doutorado Pleno no Exterior (GDE) formar doutores no exterior em instituições de reconhecido nível de excelência, em áreas do conhecimento consideradas de vanguarda científico-tecnológica e naquelas estratégicas definidas pelo Conselho Deliberativo do CNPq.
Data Limite
Cronograma 1: até 20 de dezembro de 2013;
Cronograma 2: até 22 de abril de 2014;
Cronograma 3: até 22 de agosto de 2014.
Home Page: http://www.cnpq.br/web/guest/bolsas-no-exterior1

Bolsa CNPq Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior (SWE)
O Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) objetiva com a bolsa Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior (SWE) apoiar o aluno formalmente matriculado em curso de doutorado no Brasil que comprove qualificação inequívoca para usufruir, no exterior, da oportunidade de aprofundamento teórico, coleta e/ou tratamento de dados ou desenvolvimento parcial da parte experimental de sua tese a ser defendida no Brasil.
Data Limite
Cronograma 1: até 20 de dezembro de 2013;
Cronograma 2: até 22 de abril de 2014;
Cronograma 3: até 22 de agosto de 2014.
Home Page: http://www.cnpq.br/web/guest/bolsas-no-exterior1

Prêmio Iberoamericano de Investigação Científica Cortes de Cádiz
O objetivo do Prêmio Iberoamericano para Pesquisa Científica é reconhecer os esforços e as iniciativas que estão sendo desenvolvidas pelos cientistas em ambos os lados do Atlântico. Para concorrer ao Prêmio, os trabalhos poderão ter tema livre, relacionados com a investigação científica, dentro da seguintes áreas: astronomia, astrofísica, biologia, física, geologia e química.
Data Limite: Até as 12h do dia 29 de novembro de 2013.
Home Page: http://www.premioscortesdecadiz.es/index-php/investigacion-cientifica/bases/

ESPID Annual Meeting Travel Award
The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) exists to promote the exchange of information among people who have special experience in the field of paediatric infectious diseases. The society promotes research and training in PID. Membership is granted to individuals supported by at least one existing member at the discretion of the Board.Each year ESPID makes a number of awards towards the cost of travel to and registration fees for the annual meeting.
Data Limite: 01 de Dezembro de  2013.
Home Page:http://www.espid.org/awards.aspx?Group=awards

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy: Overseas Scholarships
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) is an inter-professional organisation with 40 years of experience and achievement in antibiotic education, research and leadership. It is dedicated to saving lives through appropriate use and development of antibiotics now and in the future. Overseas Scholarships are to enable workers from other countries the opportunity to work in UK Departments for up to six months.
Data Limite: December  1st of each year.
Home Page: http://bsac.org.uk/funding/overseas-scholarship/

Robert Feulgen Prize
The Society for Histochemistry is an international association of scientists which was founded in 1952. Membership of the Society is open to scientists of all countries. The Society offers the Robert Feulgen Prize to be awarded for an outstanding achievement in the field of histochemistry. The contributions may be either towards the development of new histochemical and cytochemical techniques or in the application of existing technology towards solving important problems in biology and/or medicine.
Data Limite: January 31, 2014

Research Training Fellowships (Clinical Fellowship)
The Research Training Fellowships (Clinical Fellowship) is for medical, dental, veterinary or clinical psychology graduates who have little or no research training, but who wish to develop a long-term career in academic medicine. Applications are encouraged from individuals who wish to undertake substantial training through high-quality research in an appropriate unit or clinical research facility, towards a PhD or MD qualification.

Data Limite: Applications are considered three times a year. The next full application deadline is 7 February 2014 (5pm).
Home Page: http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Funding/Biomedical-science/Funding-schemes/Fellowships/Clinical-fellowships/WTD004435.htm